Stand up for RCV!
Declare your support here and we'll get ranked choice voting legislation passed across the state. Volunteer your time and we'll do it even faster!
Your talents are essential for growing awareness and excitement for ranked choice voting and organizing for the legislation needed to implement at the local and state level.
We've got openings for volunteers and leads to drive our:
- speaker's bureau,
- advocating for RCV for your home town elections,
- hosting screenings of Majority Rules,
- managing social media,
- fundraising,
- street canvassing and tabling,
- coalition building,
- event planning,
- ...and much more!
Bring RCV to your home town!
Sign up today to get involved with a regional chapter near you and start meeting, taking action, and celebrating in-person with other pro-democracy local heroes like yourself.
Will you sign up?
Caitlyn Rooms signed up
on Get Involved
2024-10-17 08:24:56 -0400
Rory Angus signed up
on Get Involved
2024-10-12 12:24:15 -0400
Ilya Rahkovsky signed up
on Get Involved
2024-10-04 12:56:04 -0400
Susan Dreyer signed up
on Get Involved
2024-10-04 10:59:13 -0400
Alex Ehrenfeld signed up
on Get Involved
2024-08-31 12:13:34 -0400
Sayyedeh Mariani signed up
on Get Involved
2024-08-27 16:43:21 -0400
Sayyedeh Mariani signed up
on Get Involved
2024-08-27 16:42:59 -0400
Adeline Sutter signed up
on Get Involved
2024-08-27 07:28:09 -0400
Youssef Madkour signed up
on Get Involved
2024-08-19 16:47:17 -0400
Paul Cruz signed up
on Get Involved
2024-08-11 23:42:25 -0400
Alex Zhu signed up
on Get Involved
2024-08-09 11:12:52 -0400
Hillary Austin signed up
on Get Involved
2024-08-03 09:16:09 -0400
Serena Pallan signed up
on Get Involved
2024-07-21 11:20:17 -0400
Rachel Warfield signed up
on Get Involved
2024-07-16 15:25:09 -0400
Jessica Wilson signed up
on Get Involved
2024-07-12 10:46:50 -0400
Peter Franson signed up
on Get Involved
2024-07-10 12:45:07 -0400
Peter Franson signed up
on Get Involved
2024-07-10 12:44:50 -0400
Peter Franson signed up
on Get Involved
2024-07-10 12:44:32 -0400
Michael Hicks signed up
on Get Involved
2024-07-04 16:37:32 -0400
Gary Lockhart signed up
on Get Involved
2024-06-23 06:10:23 -0400
Frank Knapp signed up
on Get Involved
2024-05-30 11:50:45 -0400
Andrew Irving signed up
on Get Involved
2024-05-30 11:02:43 -0400
Kurtis Prendki signed up
on Get Involved
2024-05-15 09:46:53 -0400
Khaalis Hall signed up
on Get Involved
2024-05-13 06:51:31 -0400
Chris Meyers signed up
on Get Involved
2024-05-10 16:04:00 -0400
Jesalyn Gordon signed up
on Get Involved
2024-05-09 06:33:53 -0400
Dana Marr signed up
on Get Involved
2024-05-08 20:07:55 -0400
Dylan Flater signed up
on Get Involved
2024-05-08 00:01:41 -0400
Kara Hunt signed up
on Get Involved
2024-05-01 18:05:04 -0400
Marc Jaruzel signed up
on Get Involved
2024-05-01 18:03:47 -0400